Why Christian Education?

All education is good for the mind, but I feel a Christian education can overcome all things that life has to offer. There is no doubt I feel that the school system still should allow the Lords prayer, to allow children as well as adults study the will of God. When you apply God in your life, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, your education becomes a major source of knowing and seeing the vision God has planned for your life.

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Why Psychology Degree?

Now it is truly amazing how the Psychology Degree caught my attention. To actually learn about a person behavior, thinking pattern and idealistic ways, was far beyond anything I could have imagine, but once I gave my life to Christ, I begin to see myself in a different light, I begin to see my life with a mission in the body of Christ.

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Why Regent University?

In my decision of going back to school, I have search many opportunities, many schools, and many idea's that the school offers as a educational development for my growing experiences. It was truly exciting to have been able to receive many letters, asking me to come forth and be a member of their graduating class, and to have the courage to help others. It all sound nice, but after praying and asking the Lord to lead me on the path of which education process I should follower, he sent me Regent University.

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Psychology Degree

Spiritual Change


Spiritual Change
One man in Christ can make a differences. Spiritual Change is not about the individual who is changing, but about helping others find the resource to help make the same change as well.
God calling upon your life, is not about being served, but serving others in the name of Jesus. That is why it so important to hear or read about this young man who learned that all he dream about is not more important then what God has called him to do.

There are times when we will learn the hard way, but we should always know that nothing is to hard for the Lord.
God is the answer...

Spiritual Connections


Hey Hey. It it now time. Am now on twitter, face book and other sites. You can now follow what God is doing within the site, and within my life.


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But there is more, you can also find out more about the ministry at:

My Journey


Just drawing near to the Lord, has been a very deep and positive journey. I have learned that rain storms are not to destroy you, but help you grow strong in faith. So I allow myself to see the rain as if God is telling me it is time for a new level in life, it is time for me to take a higher step.
This is why I have decided to obtain my degree in Religious Studies. Yes it is a fact that I have been in ministry for over 20 years, and have been a minister for 10 years, and I even have other degree's, but I felt the need to gain a strong and more effective mind in ministry. When I prayed about it, God allow his heavenly rain fall down upon me, and I begin to see a more clear view of his vision in my life.
Now this is one journey, that I find very nervous to my soul, for I have not step up this. I am so use to working with others, and working under others, that actually being the man up front has caused me to have a state of fear in my heart. Yes I know with God all things is possible. And I am not afraid that I will not be able to do the job, I just want to be the best minister, director and leader God has called me to be.

I have worked in varies of departments within ministries, but this one is a lot more unique. When God calls you into a position, you should step out in faith, as well as wisdom. And I am doing that today. I have decided to step out and begin to help build and establish the foundation of the New Life Christian Outreach & Ministry. A ministry that strives to equip, encourage, endorse, empower and educate those who are called to minister unto others. For the last few weeks, I have received over 80 emails, requesting about license and ordination process. I have gotten phone calls from ministers who have been apart of the UECA foundation, asking me how will be more effective then the last person who was appointed in this position.
And I can say that one way is to get all ministers involved with what God has called this ministry to be. For I know that the body can not run with the head, just as the head will not be able to function without to the body in a way that it will desire. So I know that I am not just here to help others, but to provide spiritual guidance to those who are new and season Christians with the New Life C.O.M and the UECA Foundation...
Well lord like Samuel, you son has heard your calling, and I am here to do the job. So I pray that you continue to allow your spirit to lead me, and grant me the wisdom to do as you have called me to do.