Why Christian Education?

All education is good for the mind, but I feel a Christian education can overcome all things that life has to offer. There is no doubt I feel that the school system still should allow the Lords prayer, to allow children as well as adults study the will of God. When you apply God in your life, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, your education becomes a major source of knowing and seeing the vision God has planned for your life.

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Why Psychology Degree?

Now it is truly amazing how the Psychology Degree caught my attention. To actually learn about a person behavior, thinking pattern and idealistic ways, was far beyond anything I could have imagine, but once I gave my life to Christ, I begin to see myself in a different light, I begin to see my life with a mission in the body of Christ.

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Why Regent University?

In my decision of going back to school, I have search many opportunities, many schools, and many idea's that the school offers as a educational development for my growing experiences. It was truly exciting to have been able to receive many letters, asking me to come forth and be a member of their graduating class, and to have the courage to help others. It all sound nice, but after praying and asking the Lord to lead me on the path of which education process I should follower, he sent me Regent University.

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Psychology Degree

Keeping my mind right!


2 Corinthians 5:21“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”


I find the last two days very hard for me, I guess you can some words can cause a person to feel uneasy and negative about themselves, but I assure you that God always keep your mind right even after going through that brief doubt.

You see; even though I have been called a Reverend, Minister and even Apostle of God, there are still individuals out here who just can’t see or understand my love for The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and they find it more funny to put a person down then to help uplift that person. For example, I was told that my preaching attitudes and words that I share to those who are seeking God is great, they enjoy the word for that day, but how can I consider myself a Reverend  or Pastor when I don’t have my own building to call my Church. Now usually that don’t bother me at all, but it was as if they was reading my prayers the other day, if or I had just asked God to bless me with a Church of my own, that I can begin to reach out to those who are lost, and care for those who are saved, blessed and loved by him. And for a minute I was feeling that I could do more then just traveling from church to church to preach the word of God.

Now even though that statement that was made cause me to feel uneasy, I went to the Lord in prayer,and I express the feeling of discomfort, because that is how me and my father communicate, I don’t hide nothing from him, I open myself up to him, and he do the same for me. And when shared that discomfort, he in turn informed me that what I was doing at this moment is what he is proud of. How did he conform it, by allowing me to share the word of God to a young man who was a  old friend from my old way of life, and as we sit within my home speaking on the Lord, God allowed me to see the glory of sharing his words by allowing me see the brother truly pray with me today, and to top it off, he gave him life to Christ, and now asked me to help him study the bible.

Now I am starting a Home Bible Study at my house with a few people who would like to learn more about having a personal relationship with the Lord. You; you don’t have to  have a Church to be a servant of the Lord, God  loves you when you are just sharing his words to many, and he blesses you when those many become children of his kingdom. I am blessed just to be able to share his words, and I blessed to been able to graduate from a seminary college and obtain my Ordination of being Apostle of God.

So I say to those who may feel the way I do, or may have felt  the way I do. Continue to grow, continue to share God’s word and to continue to help others, and you will surely see the glory in doing the will of God, as he bless you for being his child, his servant, his messenger of love, hope and faith.

God bless

Apostle Tony R. Smith

A Condition Mind


Philippians 1:29“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him,”

I know that a person should always know that they are children of a high king, a man of mercy,love and wisdom. I know that this is true, but at the same time I find myself thinking differently not because of misunderstanding, but from lack of strength.

I desire to know God unconditionally on  a daily bases, I desire to help others, to teach  others, to show others, the very love that was given unto me without any conditions. This is my calling, I know that who I am now, is a condition of the mind that God has rebuilt from sin, in to his will and words. So what should I be doing now? Well I know that education is the one of the keys to success, just as I know that faith is one of the keys, but I realize that hard work is a key of many things.

We can always dream and hope for a better life, but if we don’t get up and work hard to obtain it, nothing will come into focus. The always informs us that we must work, for deeds without work is useless. So I find myself working on many different ways to become the man God created me to  be, and sometimes it is very hard and confusing, especially when it seems as all that I am doing is amounting to nothing, but in fact it is, but I have to be patient.

I am learning how to condition my mind to be positive, effective, patient and understanding. I do this by reading God words, through prayers, fellowship and experiences.  I know that by doing so I will be able to not just see God’s vision, but put God’s vision into effect, and begin to help those who are also walking the journey of everlasting faith and love.

So tonight is the first night of conditioning the mind, which I will pray on every hour, thanking God for all that he has done for me and within this world and I feel by the Monday,I will be moving into the second phrase of conditioning the mind by fasting. 

Well, I am going for now, but I will be back tonight, to share with you a few more words.

The Reverend

My journey


I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you! “Psalm 119:11”

Many decision in life has to be made in  order to be the person God has built me to be. There are times when I feel as if things are not going to go as God plan, that the devil knows to much and he will find a way to come forth and change it.

But I also realize that the plans God make for us, can be changed not just by the hands of the devil, but also by our own thinking, and negative feeling. We as humans make our life journey more harder than what it really is, and we do this because we find ourselves not use to having things going so smoothly. I myself still find it hard at times to see that things in my life can come forth without so much stress, and then I find myself causing stress just to know that I am working hard enough to make it in this society.

  But why? Why should our life journey be about struggles, pain, confusion, discomfort and anger? Why should we just know that there will be times in our lives, when we have to do things differently, even if it may cause a little discomfort and accept that fact, so we can move forward on a positive attitude?

   I’ve prayed tonight asking God to help me learn and  accept that life will  not be as perfect, as easy as my mind would  like it to be, but to give me the very strength to know that it can be as easy and comfort as he can make it. We have to know deep within our life is based upon the knowledge of knowing God, and how to know that it is by his will and mercy we are able to live a life worth living, and the journey we are traveling will turn out right because we are being lead by his guideness and precious love.

    My journey is not about how I can be important in this world, but how can I help those who are lost in this world. I have a journey called by the spiritual gift of Apostle Paul. When I think about how I once couldn’t accept the teaching of Christ, how I felt that those who was Christians was all phony people, and they only called upon him when things was going wrong in their lives. I even felt that all the things that was sharing was only to get people to do as they say. But the Lord allowed me to become spiritually blind, and for awhile I was so lost, I couldn’t even see anything but death.

   But after finding out that truth did live within Christ, he gave me a light that shines so bright that I know deep within me that he is able to change many lives. So now I realize how Paul felt when he was blind, and I now know the joy he felt when he was able to not only just see, but able to see the truth.

   To be called and chosen by God under the teaching of Apostle Paul, is great, and I study all that I can from the beginning to the end. I have a new journey a journey of life and understanding.

God Bless!

Apostle Tony R. Smith

Self Worth.


I feel that at times, I find myself more worried about the outcome of many decision in my life, then actually believing that the decision I made is the right one. I have been going through a few weeks of roughness, and as I walk this journey, I find more unwanted feeling coming into play, then having the spiritual, emotional and mental enlighten I was had. It is not like I am giving up  on my dream, the vision in which God has given me, but there are just times I feel as if everything I am putting together is not going the way I picture it would, nor the way I live is worth living. So I find myself questioning my self worth, my inner being, my way of living, and even my purpose upon this earth.

You may not come to understand the degree of this feeling, but as we grow into a new being either from educationally purpose, or even spiritual aspect, there are still those doors inside of us we do not wish to open up. Even at this point, I find myself trying to keep those doors close, not wanting those old feeling, those old ways of thinking, those old actions to come out and destroy everything God has put together.  The power of the past, is stronger then people think. But I want you to know that the past only gain power by allowing those days of pain, confusion and discomfort become the very source which we base our life upon. I refuse to do so, so everyday seems like a struggle, and if I find myself losing, I some how feel as if I am disappointing the Lord above.

Strange, but that saying when it rains, it pours! I see that is true. It is as if one problem get solved, and the next problem come full force, without any warning or delay. But I am a strong man, I have experiences many things in life, and have overcome many things. I have turn my life around, not by my own hands, but by the will of God. My self-worth is valuable then gold, silver and even green money. It is a prize that the devil desire, but the Lord above has. So as long as I know that life is valuable, and as long as I know that God is the one that holds the key to the chest box, I will continue to strive, maintain and produce the very source of love, mercy and forgiveness that Christ has given unto me.

Well; I am going to let you go for now, but I pray that those who have read this blog, will see the value within themselves, and know they are worth more then silver and gold.

God Bless

Reverend Smith

What level should we define our life as being meaningful.


I ask myself the other day, what stage of life should I be on, what is my ideal purpose in doing all that God has given to me. When I begin to think this way, I find myself not questioning  or having doubt within God, but I feel as if I could be more effective in all that he has placed before me.

These past few days have been a battle and times of which I have to think positive at all cost. Not only am I fighting for my life and my mental, spiritual and emotional state, but I am also fighting for my families as well. There are people in the world that just don’t realize how someone who loves them has prayed for them, and that pray has been their safety net for a very long time. We pray for others, it is a good thing to know that God not only protect those who we pray for, but he acknowledge those prayers as a sign of compassion.

I wonder at times do others pray for me, do others realize the pain, discomfort and confusion that I face in my life, they know that I battle the devils general and his army of demons so that I may know the glory of the Lord everyday of my life. Do others truly see the degree in which those who are seeking God grace are truly trying to live according to his words, or do they think that it is some type of phrase we go through? I just wonder about these things, for when I speak those who those who are not  saved or don’t feel they have time to think or talk about God, I find that they do in many ways wonder if their is a God.

   In fact; I have also seen them even question their faith, and ask themselves why haven’t they called upon  the blessing or become saved. Strange right? But just think about the actions that is forming here, we was once in that state of being, at least I was, and yet I didn’t know at that time what level of life I should be living. But when I gave my life to Christ, that change, and my ideal of who  I am and what I should be doing in life became a idea of knowing God and being the servant like Paul.

  so when you speak to those who are not saved, and you feel that they don’t think like we do, try to remember how we use to think before we met the Lord, and then begin to speak to them on a level that  will enhance their frame of mind to at least ask the question in the end. Why should I give my life to God?

   That question is a opening to share not only your life testimony, but a opening to be able to start a fellowship and help that person begin to see the light before the darkness truly take them away from your sight forever. Remember we are here to share the word of God, so always be prepared to know when the time is right, to share the level of knowledge and  grace you have in your soul, because you are a child of God.

God Bless

Change has come!



I tell you the Lord is amazing, and each move he makes he lets the world know that he is coming back very soon.

I know that I have not written within my blog for the last few weeks, but I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying, listening the voice of the Lord, and allowing my heart to feel the things he is asking of me.

Everyone has been wondering what project am I developing this time, but I hate to inform those who know me very well, that I will not starting up any new projects, but working on developing and maturing the blessing projects God has given me to this day.

As those who knows, I am the founder and director of the New Life Christian Outreach & Ministry, and within this ministry, the ministers board has come forth and begin to work  on developing and placing more effort in dealing with the demon of this age and time. Now some of you who have been living in glass house, only see what you desire to see, but the addiction to drugs has truly taken over our youth and is destroying family values within these times. But God has given us more wisdom and strength to fight this demon, for it is weak, and yet we have allow this weakness to bring a lot of people down. What can we do about it, well my main objective is to work on gaining a grant and support to open up a Christian recovery center, called New Life C.O.M and with this center we will not just be dealing with the aspect of the use of drugs, but the conditions that causes a person to turn to drugs.

We will also be hosting support groups, programs to build a stable life style, spiritual uplifting groups, as well as business awareness programs so that those who are truly interested in gaining a better life can learn how obtain a job, working in the job marketing field, being able to promoted and develop a business plan and be able to start their own business. We will also have what is called Family Development support group, that will help those who are dealing with a child, husband, brother, mother or father who are addicted to drugs, and give them assistance in how to help their love ones.

There are more idea’s that will be applied to the ministry and outreach programs that will not only help certain individuals, but all people who are serious about changing their lives. I will also be offering programs that will help those gain their high school diploma and register for college’s, and dealing with training with certain job type plan’s. I hope to be even working with the unemployment offices to ensure that people who would like to be a part of the program be able to receive help in a mighty way. All this is going to be under the love, mercy, forgiveness, wisdom and teaching of the our of Lord and Savior.

    A few people have asked me what if you are condition to another religion, well I have no discrimination to that, for God is building this ministry for all people, no matter what race, creed, color, sex or religion you may be. Its about being a family, and a family helps each other make it in this world.

      You may wonder how in the world are you going to get this off the ground? Well first of all I am allowing God to place in hand into all of this, and second I am speaking out loud, and sharing this vision with individuals who are truly serious about helping others and know the nature, value and conditions about business, grants and non-for-profit organizations. Third and not least, I will be building a advisory board with those who get involved, and pray that they are going to work hard to get this going and begin to truly help those who are facing these issues.

     I have already started writing, a proposal, constitutions and bylaws and begin to build a website and applying for the federal EIN number, and the state EIN number. I know that there may be a lot more to handle, but that is why God will place those within my life and within the ministry that is going to step and show out about all the wisdom and faith that they have.

   They say that we are a lost generation, well its time this generation show society that those who are not lost can help those who are and begin to become a New Found Generation with a solid and creative purpose in life and with God. I just know that this is my calling, and I know that this is the message God is sending out to many people. When I go and preach at Sunday Services, I hear all the praise the Lord, thank God and go ahead reverend you are preaching now. But as soon as I say stand up and lets do something I get more excuse’s then a little bit, and I don’t hold it back, and speak my mind. But God  has given me provision about this vision, letting me know that the best way to help those who are lost, is to get those who was once lost involved.

     So here I am on this blog, asking those who know the value of faith, who understand that life has a meaning with you have God first, and those who was once lost, but was saved by the grace of God, to step up and show out, send me a email, no matter what city or state you may be in, write to me, share with me your ideals, lets see if we can team up and begin to not only start off in one city or state, but in many. I know that God will is involved in this, for he has given me more then I could have imagine when I finally said yes to his plans and not mines. He is one of the main reason why I chose to attend Regent University. he is the one that picked Regent, and I didn’t have to ask him why, for when I begin to study I begin to have a open mind about things, and Regent has help me out a lot, that is why I decided to become a Christian Counselor for Substance Abuse.

    Do you know your calling, or are you just after a job to just pay your bills? What most people don’t realize is, that having a calling is greater then having a perfect job or having a great job, for when you have a calling and you begin to live it, your job become a mighty purpose in doing the will of God, and nothing goes wrong and nothing the devil do can hurt you. That is why I know that I have a calling, for it is not about the money, but having a meaningful life that is worth living while I work, play and serve the Lord.

    Well I am going to close for now, but I just had to release this from my soul, and I just had to inform you what God is doing at that moment in my life. Like I said don’t be afraid to leave comments, or even email me. In fact you can email me at:


May God touch those who read this blog, and one day allow you to step up and show out in all he has blessed upon you.

God bless

Reverend Tony.