Why Christian Education?

All education is good for the mind, but I feel a Christian education can overcome all things that life has to offer. There is no doubt I feel that the school system still should allow the Lords prayer, to allow children as well as adults study the will of God. When you apply God in your life, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, your education becomes a major source of knowing and seeing the vision God has planned for your life.

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Why Psychology Degree?

Now it is truly amazing how the Psychology Degree caught my attention. To actually learn about a person behavior, thinking pattern and idealistic ways, was far beyond anything I could have imagine, but once I gave my life to Christ, I begin to see myself in a different light, I begin to see my life with a mission in the body of Christ.

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Why Regent University?

In my decision of going back to school, I have search many opportunities, many schools, and many idea's that the school offers as a educational development for my growing experiences. It was truly exciting to have been able to receive many letters, asking me to come forth and be a member of their graduating class, and to have the courage to help others. It all sound nice, but after praying and asking the Lord to lead me on the path of which education process I should follower, he sent me Regent University.

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Psychology Degree

Slow To Anger

1 John 3:16“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.”

Today I guess you can say I found that even as I grow in Christ, I still become a person of anger. I am not talking about being angry with others, but with myself. Sometimes, I set up late studying and reading the materials from school, and I feel I have it in my head, but then when I take the test, it is like I forget everything right then and there, and after I finish struggling over the questions, and fighting my mind over the answer, and then look at the final score, I feel the hate of not being so smart come over me, and I find myself questioning my abilities to become the Counselor I desire to be in life.

I guess there is still more for me to learn even as I learn different values  of being a man of God. I can see how Paul, and John felt at times when they couldn’t or felt that they couldn’t save the souls of those who come into their lives, it is so hard to see yourself not doing something right after you have done all you can to make it work out. But I also come to see that each time we depend upon on our own ways, and our own minds, we seem to fall apart and fail. Now does that apply to school and college class? In ways I guess you can say yes, instead of beating myself down about the grade, why don’t I see the importance of learning and finding others ways to study? Why don’t I realize if I can remove the anger and fear of failure from my mind before I take the test, then maybe I will be able to overcome those moments of failing the test. So you see; right now I am not asking God to make me as smart as Elijah was, but make me able to do what is right even when it comes to studying for class, so I can be more effective in being the person he has created me to be. God Bless

Apostle Tony R. Smith