Why Christian Education?

All education is good for the mind, but I feel a Christian education can overcome all things that life has to offer. There is no doubt I feel that the school system still should allow the Lords prayer, to allow children as well as adults study the will of God. When you apply God in your life, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, your education becomes a major source of knowing and seeing the vision God has planned for your life.

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Why Psychology Degree?

Now it is truly amazing how the Psychology Degree caught my attention. To actually learn about a person behavior, thinking pattern and idealistic ways, was far beyond anything I could have imagine, but once I gave my life to Christ, I begin to see myself in a different light, I begin to see my life with a mission in the body of Christ.

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Why Regent University?

In my decision of going back to school, I have search many opportunities, many schools, and many idea's that the school offers as a educational development for my growing experiences. It was truly exciting to have been able to receive many letters, asking me to come forth and be a member of their graduating class, and to have the courage to help others. It all sound nice, but after praying and asking the Lord to lead me on the path of which education process I should follower, he sent me Regent University.

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Psychology Degree

How time can break you down!


I know I have written within this blog for along time, and I have good reason why,many things has taken place within these past months, from the physcial aspect to he mental as well as the spiritual, and yet my mind and heart is still serving the Lord. Like Job, I refuse to allow the devil to win, to destroy all that has been built within me by the hands of my father, my savior and teacher.

When life seem to go wrong, it don't just rain, it pours, and the more it pours the more you begin to feel as if you are going to float away, and there is no one that can save you. But how wrong we are, everything in our lives is not cause by the devil, nor is it meant to destroy you. How do I know, just these few months my mind and heart was full of pain, discomfort, confusion and bewilderment, and those stages alone almost cost my relationship with God. I was mad and I felt abandon by him for a while. Now you may say, how is that possible when you are a ordain minister. And yet that may be true, but I am still human, and I still feel pain, and still get confused. That is one of the reason why I believe God allowed to start this blog, to show the world no matter how gifted we may be mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, we still have a very hard time overcoming obstacles that truly cost pain in our lives.

Some people may ask what could be so bad for you to feel anger toward God. Well for one, I have been determine to have Liver cancer, don't ask me how, because I don't drink, never have and never well. But I use to smoke. So that may have been the case to this, then while attending doctors and getting things I need to prepare for this trial, I was released from my job over a lie that one of the clients I tried to help decided that I was there for them as much as I should of been. This is why it is a most as professional counselor you must make sure you have boundaries, because some individuals with mental problems begin to feel you are there for them and only them, and when that doesn't happen situation that I had to face will occur. You may could have said I could have frought for my job back, which is true, especially after I provide that it was a false statement on the clients behalf, but for some strange reason, I felt as if that job wasn't for me, at least that place of employment, because I felt betrayed, there was any form of trust there, especially after they found out that I was a man of God, and that I believe that there are times when medication and spirituality can and will work in a person life is they so believe and allow God to move. Well that is another rule one must be very careful about, you can't bring forth your own personal judgment or thoughts within a place of business, for others who may not feel the same way you do will feel disrespect or become argumentative toward your belief, and this is not just with the clients. (LOL)

So now here I was working on treatment, and now employment, I come to find out that the last class that I need to graduate isn't offered until the Summer term, which I wasn't told this, for I know this I would have taken this course last Summer or the Summer before then. So with that being said, always check with your advisor about your course and when they are being offered or you may end up like me, wondering where and how you are going to get the money to pay for this course, or you will not be graudating. Now can you imagine how I feel right now. Can you think of ways to make me smile?
Well I can only say, God has ways. No I the cancer is not gone, I am going through treatment now, which I have to make sure my class work is done because there are days when my body hurts so bad and I just can't move or think right.
No I do not have a job, which now I see why allow me to lose this employment at this time, because of the fact of the pain and discomfort I am now going through with treatment, and sooner or later they was either going to make me use up all my sick time or let me go. No I haven't figured out how I am going to get the money to pay for the last class for the summer session in order to graduate. But what I do know, Just like Job, I will not let go of my Father, I will lose faith within my Savior, and I will keep the Holy Spirit close to my heart and soul, for I know that by the will of God all things are possible by his hands and not by man.
So no matter what you are going through, no matter how you may feel,no matter what others may see, keep God first in your life, and I promise you he will make a way for everything to be alright.
God Bless you all.
Rev. Tony R. Smith

Just thinking


Look how time is flying by. I feel as everything that God is placing before me is just opening up many doors to show the world his glory and how much he love us so. There are times when I wonder if this world truly  understand the love God has for all his children, and if they do, can they truly realize how important it is to grant others that same love in return?

When you think about how Jesus Christ gave his life so that we may have life, it will open your heart to the diven knowledge of how true Love should be. I don’t know if I could have gave my life, and to this day, I ask myself how far will I go to show others how much I love them and respect them. As humans we think about it before we do it, but Christ didn’t even blink an eye, he done exactly what his father asked of him, and he gave his life so  that we may know the value of love and a true and beautiful love. I thank him for granting me that love, for it has given me the courage to say to you. I Love You, and I pray that you will one day share this love with others.

May God Bless you.

The Apostle

God’s Will


I know that it has been a while since I have written here, but I pray that each time I do write, it uplift the next person to know that God is real and if you just believe in him he shall direct your path.

I have been working very hard at my internship course, and I have been doing a lot of traveling sharing the world of God with a ministry called United Association of Christian Chaplains & Counselor Ministry International. And I tell you it has been a very spiritual and supportive week. God has been so good, and so rewarding I sometimes have to  ask him why? Why have he given me this blessing or why have you place this goodness in my life.

I ask these things because I know why he love me so, and I give praise to him for loving him. God has open up so many doors. At this point, I have been anointed and appointed as the Regional Overseer of the United Evangelical Church of America and the United Association of Christian Chaplains and Counselor Ministry International. Never would I thought I would have made it this far, especially when my life was not of God will. I know that as soon as I continue to allow God to lead me my life will never be the same, and I know that life will have so many adventures.

I don’t like truly saying that my life will have trials and tribulations, because we have all them, but when God come forth into your life those trials and tribulations become lesson’s to learn and problems to overcome, so I call them Adventures, for each step bring forth a new challenge in life. Especially when the devil is on your heels trying to break you down. Amen

Well I am not going to keep you long, but I pray that each person that decide to write my blog know that God is will is the way.

All so I know have a ministry that give away free spiritual books on the knowing about the water and spirit. All you have to do is send me a email at: newlifecom@sbcglobal.net, give me your information address, so I can send you the books.

Until then I will pray for you always.

Your friend in Christ

Overseer Reverend Tony R. Smith

He also confirms his decision that he makes in your life.


Ecclesiastes 11:5“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”


It is so great to know that God always, grants you a vision, and yet he make sure that he grants you provision to confirm what he has for you to do in this life. Here I am so  grateful what he has decided to do in my life, and how he has now chosen me to become the new Regional Overseer for the United Association of Christian Chaplains and Counselor Ministries International and United Evangelical Association Ministries, for the state of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana.

I praise his name not because of the things he do for me, but because of the love he has for me and for who he is. The things he do for me are a blessing that I enjoy, but serving him and sharing with others how God can and will change your life if you truly say yes to your calling. I tell everyone I meet how God took a man from the deepest ruins of his sinful nature and turn him into a man of God’s glory and  love. Some people believe  me, then there are others who just can’t believe how I once lived my life and how I am today.

But what they must understand is that I didn’t do this on my own, it was the love of God that done all that is within me today. I live by his words and love, and even as I continue to grow strong in his love and mercy, I am still learning on a daily bases to know him more on a personal level. I admit that I am not perfect, I still have things that must change as I grow as the man God has created me to be, but I learn from these mistakes, and I ask my father to forgive for them. So as I say to all you today, God is the real, and he can and will change the your life. What he promise to us, he has never change that promise. Just ask his son; Jesus Christ.

God Bless you all.

Regional Overseer Apostle Tony R. Smith

In his loving arms!



Philippians 4:6-7“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


There is so much about life even I haven’t learn yet. I been working over time trying to get my grades in order, and to make sure that i am doing the will of God, like he has given unto me to do.

Most people don’t realize that it is hard to keep doing what is right, or how to make sure that you are not out here doing what others may feel is wrong. I something feel as if I am being watch, or that every move I make people are betting to see if i am going to fall apart and fail. My intentions is not to be perfect or greater then the next men, but to just show the world how God took a nobody, and turn him into somebody, in order to tell everybody about this special someone. Nothing more is on my mind but to do as God has placed me in the stages of life to do.

   Even as I work on developing the vision he has given me, and with every step it seems as if I have so many disappointments, and I ask God if you know that it wasn’t going to be easy why didn’t you give me someone in my life that is trust worthy, dependable and willing to work with me and not against me. I know that his plans is greater then mines, and yet I still wonder am I doing things right. Have anyone felt that way? At this point, i am starting my internship at the Proctor Hospital here in Peoria IL. and the strangest things about that is, they really don’t want you to say the name Jesus or God, but to use the terms of Higher Power. Even though I can understand that everyone don’t believe in God or use the name God or Jesus, they may still have a sense of faith, so I have to be very careful how I present the strength of faith to others because i am a man of God, i am Preacher, Minister , Pastor as other may call me.

But at the same time I love the work that I am doing, just seeing these young men and women getting their life in order, after battling a disease called addiction is one true statement of faith.

So at this point, I pray that with each step that I am making God give me the strength to be more then a man of words, but a man of his action. Or as he said about David, i would like to be that man after God’s own heart.

Apostle Tony I. Smith

My Lord and Savior


1 Corinthians 15:55-57“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”



Most people don’t realize how power the name of Jesus is, and I understand that most  people are afraid of the Jesus himself,  not because of what he can do, but because they really don’t know him  or understand him. That is the power of not being educated about something, things we don’t understand we seem to fear the most.

Just like when it comes to life, when I didn’t understand the purpose of my life I was afraid of how I would turn out then truly working building a life that would turn out right, but I became a friend of Jesus my life  begin to see a purpose, a sign of truth and future effort. I know that my life is worth living, and I know this because my Lord and Savior has told me, show me and bless me as I move forward in sharing his words.

I feel so good, and things are so content in my life, not perfect, but content. Even as I walk this journey, I know that will be times I shall fall, but I shall get back up, because I fall doesn’t  mean that I fail at something, it just mean I didn’t weight out all the opinions before I got into the situation, but once I gain my ways, strength again, and I know that I have learn something from this mistake, I am able to hold my balance and begin to take a new step at life, and become stronger in my belief. Praise his name.

We as Christian have to see that we go through things not just because the devil place them before us, because there is things God wants us to learn from, and he want us to grow stronger in our faith. I have also  learn that life can never be all sunshine, for to much sun can cause you to dry out.

Just like a flower, if you never get any rain, you can never grow and become beautiful. The rain is not here to destroy you, because your roots are planted in the love, mercy and grace of God, we are powered and feed by the blood of Jesus. The days of rain, is to help us see what is going on in our lives, and to grow from those mistakes.

Now some of us my have thunder storms in our lives, I know I have had a few, but in the end I was able to rebuild what ever that storm destroyed, because it didn’t take me out, it didn’t take my life, nor did it destroy  my spirit, but it did show me how strong I am with the spirit of the Lord in my life. Praise his name.

For there where times I knew I should have been dead, that I knew I should have been placed behind bars, those times when I knew I would not be loved, but God took those times and gave me a new vision on life, he took those moments to show me it was him that called upon and it is him that will carry  me all the days of my life. You don’t hear me.

As long as I got King Jesus in my life, nothing and I mean nothing in this world nor man can do to be. My God My God. I know that someone out today my hear this and if you do, know that you are a child of God, you are a son of a high king, and servant of a beloved king and all that you need he shall deliver. He said that all you have to do is ask, and he shall answer. Any thing that God said he will do, he shall do. And when you ask God for something, he always keep his  promise’s.

I hope someone out there hear what the word of God is saying. Stop worrying about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care  of itself, it is God who take care of you. Just take it to him. I am a living testimony for all that I have to say. and it is a blessing to be able to share with you today.

I am not going to continue to preach, but I just want to share my joy with you today, not because God do something for me, but because of who he is. My love, my friend, my father, my boss, my counselor, my teacher, my pastor, all my God he is all that I need in my life.

My God bless you all

Apostle Tony R. Smith

Slow To Anger


1 John 3:16“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.”

Today I guess you can say I found that even as I grow in Christ, I still become a person of anger. I am not talking about being angry with others, but with myself. Sometimes, I set up late studying and reading the materials from school, and I feel I have it in my head, but then when I take the test, it is like I forget everything right then and there, and after I finish struggling over the questions, and fighting my mind over the answer, and then look at the final score, I feel the hate of not being so smart come over me, and I find myself questioning my abilities to become the Counselor I desire to be in life.

I guess there is still more for me to learn even as I learn different values  of being a man of God. I can see how Paul, and John felt at times when they couldn’t or felt that they couldn’t save the souls of those who come into their lives, it is so hard to see yourself not doing something right after you have done all you can to make it work out. But I also come to see that each time we depend upon on our own ways, and our own minds, we seem to fall apart and fail. Now does that apply to school and college class? In ways I guess you can say yes, instead of beating myself down about the grade, why don’t I see the importance of learning and finding others ways to study? Why don’t I realize if I can remove the anger and fear of failure from my mind before I take the test, then maybe I will be able to overcome those moments of failing the test. So you see; right now I am not asking God to make me as smart as Elijah was, but make me able to do what is right even when it comes to studying for class, so I can be more effective in being the person he has created me to be. God Bless

Apostle Tony R. Smith

Needing to relax


Matthew 20: 17-19“[Jesus Again Predicts His Death] Now as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside and said to them, "We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!”

You know some people have asked me why do I write in a blog? Why do I share my most deepest and personal thoughts, and yet no one replies back or comment. Well I hate to say this, but it is  really not for others. I write in this blog because it relax’s my mind, it removes the stress of school at times, family issues,and being a new creature in Christ, when others just don’t seem to understand why I have become saved.

My life has never been perfect, and I don’t really expects for anyone else life to have been perfect, but the things I faith now,  is not as bad as what I was going through in the past. I see myself in a different role, a different world which only cares for what others may think, and I know that when that take over, I will find myself back where I started from. But God has shown me so much, and he has given me so many blessing in my life, why would I go back to my old ways, why would I even consider being the person that I use to be when I know the pain that come with it? Only a fool would choose that life.

Well I was once that fool, now I am not still as smart as a lot of people, but I have a very good idea of what it is to be love, understood and having faith. I never had that before in my life. Even though my family grow up in church, I found it to be only a thing that you must do not love. But now it is the other way around, I am in love with Christ, and I find serving him is one pleasure that will never end, no matter what situation may come into  my life. Like I said I am far from being perfect, but I learn something new each day.

What I have learn today is how to handle problems that just pop up out of no where. We can’t stop certain things from happening, but you can stop it from causing you to fall apart, that is why when stress, anger, confusion or even just pain come into my life, I stop for a minute and I think about why this  is happening, I figure  out what purpose does have that will either keep me alive or destroy me. Sometimes, I find myself telling God how I can handle this pain, this stress any longer, then there are times when it doesn’t even bother me. But I come to see that I am going through, and what I shall face in the future, is preparing me for something Great God has for me within my life.

Maybe a few people will one day read this blog, and maybe no body will ever know that I write it, but what matters to me is that it gives me a chance to sit down and talk with my father, and my savior about what is on my mind, and then feel the very relief come into my soul and I know that it is going to be alright in the end. Like now, I know that he have truly found me a peace of mind through writing. May God grant you a peace of mind as well.

The Apostle

Keeping my mind right!


2 Corinthians 5:21“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”


I find the last two days very hard for me, I guess you can some words can cause a person to feel uneasy and negative about themselves, but I assure you that God always keep your mind right even after going through that brief doubt.

You see; even though I have been called a Reverend, Minister and even Apostle of God, there are still individuals out here who just can’t see or understand my love for The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and they find it more funny to put a person down then to help uplift that person. For example, I was told that my preaching attitudes and words that I share to those who are seeking God is great, they enjoy the word for that day, but how can I consider myself a Reverend  or Pastor when I don’t have my own building to call my Church. Now usually that don’t bother me at all, but it was as if they was reading my prayers the other day, if or I had just asked God to bless me with a Church of my own, that I can begin to reach out to those who are lost, and care for those who are saved, blessed and loved by him. And for a minute I was feeling that I could do more then just traveling from church to church to preach the word of God.

Now even though that statement that was made cause me to feel uneasy, I went to the Lord in prayer,and I express the feeling of discomfort, because that is how me and my father communicate, I don’t hide nothing from him, I open myself up to him, and he do the same for me. And when shared that discomfort, he in turn informed me that what I was doing at this moment is what he is proud of. How did he conform it, by allowing me to share the word of God to a young man who was a  old friend from my old way of life, and as we sit within my home speaking on the Lord, God allowed me to see the glory of sharing his words by allowing me see the brother truly pray with me today, and to top it off, he gave him life to Christ, and now asked me to help him study the bible.

Now I am starting a Home Bible Study at my house with a few people who would like to learn more about having a personal relationship with the Lord. You; you don’t have to  have a Church to be a servant of the Lord, God  loves you when you are just sharing his words to many, and he blesses you when those many become children of his kingdom. I am blessed just to be able to share his words, and I blessed to been able to graduate from a seminary college and obtain my Ordination of being Apostle of God.

So I say to those who may feel the way I do, or may have felt  the way I do. Continue to grow, continue to share God’s word and to continue to help others, and you will surely see the glory in doing the will of God, as he bless you for being his child, his servant, his messenger of love, hope and faith.

God bless

Apostle Tony R. Smith

A Condition Mind


Philippians 1:29“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him,”

I know that a person should always know that they are children of a high king, a man of mercy,love and wisdom. I know that this is true, but at the same time I find myself thinking differently not because of misunderstanding, but from lack of strength.

I desire to know God unconditionally on  a daily bases, I desire to help others, to teach  others, to show others, the very love that was given unto me without any conditions. This is my calling, I know that who I am now, is a condition of the mind that God has rebuilt from sin, in to his will and words. So what should I be doing now? Well I know that education is the one of the keys to success, just as I know that faith is one of the keys, but I realize that hard work is a key of many things.

We can always dream and hope for a better life, but if we don’t get up and work hard to obtain it, nothing will come into focus. The always informs us that we must work, for deeds without work is useless. So I find myself working on many different ways to become the man God created me to  be, and sometimes it is very hard and confusing, especially when it seems as all that I am doing is amounting to nothing, but in fact it is, but I have to be patient.

I am learning how to condition my mind to be positive, effective, patient and understanding. I do this by reading God words, through prayers, fellowship and experiences.  I know that by doing so I will be able to not just see God’s vision, but put God’s vision into effect, and begin to help those who are also walking the journey of everlasting faith and love.

So tonight is the first night of conditioning the mind, which I will pray on every hour, thanking God for all that he has done for me and within this world and I feel by the Monday,I will be moving into the second phrase of conditioning the mind by fasting. 

Well, I am going for now, but I will be back tonight, to share with you a few more words.

The Reverend

My journey


I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you! “Psalm 119:11”

Many decision in life has to be made in  order to be the person God has built me to be. There are times when I feel as if things are not going to go as God plan, that the devil knows to much and he will find a way to come forth and change it.

But I also realize that the plans God make for us, can be changed not just by the hands of the devil, but also by our own thinking, and negative feeling. We as humans make our life journey more harder than what it really is, and we do this because we find ourselves not use to having things going so smoothly. I myself still find it hard at times to see that things in my life can come forth without so much stress, and then I find myself causing stress just to know that I am working hard enough to make it in this society.

  But why? Why should our life journey be about struggles, pain, confusion, discomfort and anger? Why should we just know that there will be times in our lives, when we have to do things differently, even if it may cause a little discomfort and accept that fact, so we can move forward on a positive attitude?

   I’ve prayed tonight asking God to help me learn and  accept that life will  not be as perfect, as easy as my mind would  like it to be, but to give me the very strength to know that it can be as easy and comfort as he can make it. We have to know deep within our life is based upon the knowledge of knowing God, and how to know that it is by his will and mercy we are able to live a life worth living, and the journey we are traveling will turn out right because we are being lead by his guideness and precious love.

    My journey is not about how I can be important in this world, but how can I help those who are lost in this world. I have a journey called by the spiritual gift of Apostle Paul. When I think about how I once couldn’t accept the teaching of Christ, how I felt that those who was Christians was all phony people, and they only called upon him when things was going wrong in their lives. I even felt that all the things that was sharing was only to get people to do as they say. But the Lord allowed me to become spiritually blind, and for awhile I was so lost, I couldn’t even see anything but death.

   But after finding out that truth did live within Christ, he gave me a light that shines so bright that I know deep within me that he is able to change many lives. So now I realize how Paul felt when he was blind, and I now know the joy he felt when he was able to not only just see, but able to see the truth.

   To be called and chosen by God under the teaching of Apostle Paul, is great, and I study all that I can from the beginning to the end. I have a new journey a journey of life and understanding.

God Bless!

Apostle Tony R. Smith

Self Worth.


I feel that at times, I find myself more worried about the outcome of many decision in my life, then actually believing that the decision I made is the right one. I have been going through a few weeks of roughness, and as I walk this journey, I find more unwanted feeling coming into play, then having the spiritual, emotional and mental enlighten I was had. It is not like I am giving up  on my dream, the vision in which God has given me, but there are just times I feel as if everything I am putting together is not going the way I picture it would, nor the way I live is worth living. So I find myself questioning my self worth, my inner being, my way of living, and even my purpose upon this earth.

You may not come to understand the degree of this feeling, but as we grow into a new being either from educationally purpose, or even spiritual aspect, there are still those doors inside of us we do not wish to open up. Even at this point, I find myself trying to keep those doors close, not wanting those old feeling, those old ways of thinking, those old actions to come out and destroy everything God has put together.  The power of the past, is stronger then people think. But I want you to know that the past only gain power by allowing those days of pain, confusion and discomfort become the very source which we base our life upon. I refuse to do so, so everyday seems like a struggle, and if I find myself losing, I some how feel as if I am disappointing the Lord above.

Strange, but that saying when it rains, it pours! I see that is true. It is as if one problem get solved, and the next problem come full force, without any warning or delay. But I am a strong man, I have experiences many things in life, and have overcome many things. I have turn my life around, not by my own hands, but by the will of God. My self-worth is valuable then gold, silver and even green money. It is a prize that the devil desire, but the Lord above has. So as long as I know that life is valuable, and as long as I know that God is the one that holds the key to the chest box, I will continue to strive, maintain and produce the very source of love, mercy and forgiveness that Christ has given unto me.

Well; I am going to let you go for now, but I pray that those who have read this blog, will see the value within themselves, and know they are worth more then silver and gold.

God Bless

Reverend Smith

What level should we define our life as being meaningful.


I ask myself the other day, what stage of life should I be on, what is my ideal purpose in doing all that God has given to me. When I begin to think this way, I find myself not questioning  or having doubt within God, but I feel as if I could be more effective in all that he has placed before me.

These past few days have been a battle and times of which I have to think positive at all cost. Not only am I fighting for my life and my mental, spiritual and emotional state, but I am also fighting for my families as well. There are people in the world that just don’t realize how someone who loves them has prayed for them, and that pray has been their safety net for a very long time. We pray for others, it is a good thing to know that God not only protect those who we pray for, but he acknowledge those prayers as a sign of compassion.

I wonder at times do others pray for me, do others realize the pain, discomfort and confusion that I face in my life, they know that I battle the devils general and his army of demons so that I may know the glory of the Lord everyday of my life. Do others truly see the degree in which those who are seeking God grace are truly trying to live according to his words, or do they think that it is some type of phrase we go through? I just wonder about these things, for when I speak those who those who are not  saved or don’t feel they have time to think or talk about God, I find that they do in many ways wonder if their is a God.

   In fact; I have also seen them even question their faith, and ask themselves why haven’t they called upon  the blessing or become saved. Strange right? But just think about the actions that is forming here, we was once in that state of being, at least I was, and yet I didn’t know at that time what level of life I should be living. But when I gave my life to Christ, that change, and my ideal of who  I am and what I should be doing in life became a idea of knowing God and being the servant like Paul.

  so when you speak to those who are not saved, and you feel that they don’t think like we do, try to remember how we use to think before we met the Lord, and then begin to speak to them on a level that  will enhance their frame of mind to at least ask the question in the end. Why should I give my life to God?

   That question is a opening to share not only your life testimony, but a opening to be able to start a fellowship and help that person begin to see the light before the darkness truly take them away from your sight forever. Remember we are here to share the word of God, so always be prepared to know when the time is right, to share the level of knowledge and  grace you have in your soul, because you are a child of God.

God Bless

Change has come!



I tell you the Lord is amazing, and each move he makes he lets the world know that he is coming back very soon.

I know that I have not written within my blog for the last few weeks, but I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying, listening the voice of the Lord, and allowing my heart to feel the things he is asking of me.

Everyone has been wondering what project am I developing this time, but I hate to inform those who know me very well, that I will not starting up any new projects, but working on developing and maturing the blessing projects God has given me to this day.

As those who knows, I am the founder and director of the New Life Christian Outreach & Ministry, and within this ministry, the ministers board has come forth and begin to work  on developing and placing more effort in dealing with the demon of this age and time. Now some of you who have been living in glass house, only see what you desire to see, but the addiction to drugs has truly taken over our youth and is destroying family values within these times. But God has given us more wisdom and strength to fight this demon, for it is weak, and yet we have allow this weakness to bring a lot of people down. What can we do about it, well my main objective is to work on gaining a grant and support to open up a Christian recovery center, called New Life C.O.M and with this center we will not just be dealing with the aspect of the use of drugs, but the conditions that causes a person to turn to drugs.

We will also be hosting support groups, programs to build a stable life style, spiritual uplifting groups, as well as business awareness programs so that those who are truly interested in gaining a better life can learn how obtain a job, working in the job marketing field, being able to promoted and develop a business plan and be able to start their own business. We will also have what is called Family Development support group, that will help those who are dealing with a child, husband, brother, mother or father who are addicted to drugs, and give them assistance in how to help their love ones.

There are more idea’s that will be applied to the ministry and outreach programs that will not only help certain individuals, but all people who are serious about changing their lives. I will also be offering programs that will help those gain their high school diploma and register for college’s, and dealing with training with certain job type plan’s. I hope to be even working with the unemployment offices to ensure that people who would like to be a part of the program be able to receive help in a mighty way. All this is going to be under the love, mercy, forgiveness, wisdom and teaching of the our of Lord and Savior.

    A few people have asked me what if you are condition to another religion, well I have no discrimination to that, for God is building this ministry for all people, no matter what race, creed, color, sex or religion you may be. Its about being a family, and a family helps each other make it in this world.

      You may wonder how in the world are you going to get this off the ground? Well first of all I am allowing God to place in hand into all of this, and second I am speaking out loud, and sharing this vision with individuals who are truly serious about helping others and know the nature, value and conditions about business, grants and non-for-profit organizations. Third and not least, I will be building a advisory board with those who get involved, and pray that they are going to work hard to get this going and begin to truly help those who are facing these issues.

     I have already started writing, a proposal, constitutions and bylaws and begin to build a website and applying for the federal EIN number, and the state EIN number. I know that there may be a lot more to handle, but that is why God will place those within my life and within the ministry that is going to step and show out about all the wisdom and faith that they have.

   They say that we are a lost generation, well its time this generation show society that those who are not lost can help those who are and begin to become a New Found Generation with a solid and creative purpose in life and with God. I just know that this is my calling, and I know that this is the message God is sending out to many people. When I go and preach at Sunday Services, I hear all the praise the Lord, thank God and go ahead reverend you are preaching now. But as soon as I say stand up and lets do something I get more excuse’s then a little bit, and I don’t hold it back, and speak my mind. But God  has given me provision about this vision, letting me know that the best way to help those who are lost, is to get those who was once lost involved.

     So here I am on this blog, asking those who know the value of faith, who understand that life has a meaning with you have God first, and those who was once lost, but was saved by the grace of God, to step up and show out, send me a email, no matter what city or state you may be in, write to me, share with me your ideals, lets see if we can team up and begin to not only start off in one city or state, but in many. I know that God will is involved in this, for he has given me more then I could have imagine when I finally said yes to his plans and not mines. He is one of the main reason why I chose to attend Regent University. he is the one that picked Regent, and I didn’t have to ask him why, for when I begin to study I begin to have a open mind about things, and Regent has help me out a lot, that is why I decided to become a Christian Counselor for Substance Abuse.

    Do you know your calling, or are you just after a job to just pay your bills? What most people don’t realize is, that having a calling is greater then having a perfect job or having a great job, for when you have a calling and you begin to live it, your job become a mighty purpose in doing the will of God, and nothing goes wrong and nothing the devil do can hurt you. That is why I know that I have a calling, for it is not about the money, but having a meaningful life that is worth living while I work, play and serve the Lord.

    Well I am going to close for now, but I just had to release this from my soul, and I just had to inform you what God is doing at that moment in my life. Like I said don’t be afraid to leave comments, or even email me. In fact you can email me at:


May God touch those who read this blog, and one day allow you to step up and show out in all he has blessed upon you.

God bless

Reverend Tony.

Just thinking.


I know that I haven't written in a few days, but I have been praying and thinking about certain position and situation in my life. You know many things have changed in my life at this time, you know I realize taking care of a 7 month old baby isn't as easy as it may seem, especially when you are going to school, and you have to work. But no matter what I have been placing the Lord before everything that I do, and I know that he will provide what is needed to keep moving forward.

I have also been working on the proposal to be able to build and establish a ministry God has placed in my heart, a vision that has so many provision I find myself seeking a new way of getting things in order. It is very hard, but I have been though rougher things then this in my life. I have been up, as well as down, I have seen many unreasonable actions in my life, as well as discomfort that has placed me in a state of bewilderment at times, but through it all, God has always keep me focus and has always inform me that through his wisdom and love all things shall come to past.

I am not afraid of who I am now, and I know that there is a purpose that I have to achieve in this life of mines. I know that when it comes to class and studying my school work, I could be doing better then what I am, even though I am looking at a B out of both of my class's, I feel with a little more hard work I could have achieved a A grade. But like I said so many changes has happen in my life these past week months, I didn't consider that once you change one part of your life, other parts shall be effect as a outcome and you most be prepared to deal with those changes, and that is what I have come to see. I ask the Lord to grant me more strength and more knowledge in doing all that is need to continue to be the minister and friend he has chosen me to be in this life of mines. Well; since I am now back on track, and I feel a flow of understanding come forth within my mind, I will be writing within this blog once again, not just with knowledge of who I am, but with answer and scriptures from what the Holy Spirit is now leading me to place within this blog. So I pray that blog not only help others, but grant me more insight on the ability of being a good minister and friend to those God will place within my life.
God Bless

Moving forward


Just thinking about what and how I am building this ministry has me really feeling as if I may feel. I know that all things are possible through the love and will of God, but yet this is my first time ever doing something without really knowing the outcome. It not like working for someone else, because you already know that when you get hired what your duties are, what you are getting paid and what plans you may have for this company. Now when you are building a ministry there is so many different outcome that may happen. One of those biggest fear is not being able to reach those who are calling upon the Lord, as well as getting a place to hold services.

You know I have asked God why did he chose me for this vision, and even though he has not given me the words to what he has plan, it seems that each step that I am taking is leading me to do things as they come along, and he will provide people who know how to do the rest. And I pray that those who he send in my life are serious and is willing to work together, as well as fellowship together so we can be more effective in doing God's will. I know that it is a long road to travel, but I am willing to do it. So lately that is what been on my mind, figuring out where to start and how to begin. Well really I already have a name for the ministry, I have started writing the consitution and bylaws, and I am waiting on God to decide who he would like to place upon the ministry board so we can have more ideals and strength in doing his will. I am already working on the Federal EIN, but that is as far as I have gotten, and it seems that I am lost after this, so I have been praying asking the Lord to open up a new way, a different avenue so I can recieve help in building his ministry. At times I wish I was able to reach people through this blog, but I feel at this point, God is not thinking about a blog. (Smile)

But I still write within this blog, for it release a lot of pressure from my mind, and give me a chance to just speak on subjects that is very important to me. Just like Tuesday, I am now a father, we been granted the parentship of my niece baby, it feels good raising a child, and I pray that I be a better father, then what I use to be in the past, I know that God has my back and i am willing to do what is needed in order to raise this child right. So not only am I worried about the ministry, my mind is focus on my child. So Lord you have it all in your hands.


Truly I have been working on a new ideal, while you can say I have been blessed to be able to do the will of God, with this vision he has bestowed upon me. Most people don't realize that thoughts and ideals that they have are not given to them by man, but blessed upon them by the love of God. And if it is truly a will of God, that thought, ideal or even vision shall come true.

I believe I once explained how fair keep me down, because of the things people have told me and what I have experiences in life, but I refuse to allow that fear to place me on the outside looking in, while others are doing good works on the inside trying to help people come in, then there are those who don't want others inside the world of thoughts, ideals and vision. For they are deep concept of what it takes to succeed in this world. God is the answer to your success, and when if you don't realize it, you should at least understand that a higher power is leading you, because no man or women can do all that it is need alone. The world is to big, and the devil is to strong for us to do these amazing things in life by ourselves.

Now I really don't know what stage God has me on right now, for I am working on the fact of starting my own ministry, but like I said it takes a lot, I have to become 501 (c)3 for non-for-profit organization and tax exempt, I have to write a proposal in order to receive some type of funding so that I can help people without charging them, as well as begin to have a office or a building to host Sunday services, and Friday night services. The strangest thing is, I have a few people who are willing to walk this path with me, but like me we just don't know where to begin or how to get started. I have searched the Internet, and I tell you it cost a lot of money to received help in a certain way, and yet I don't have that type of money. So I am praying that God would open the doors for his will to come forth and begin to help those whom he has placed before me.

Remember when I wrote and shared with you the day I preached at the South Side Mission for Women, and I tell you I have been receiving phone calls, asking me when will I be back or if I have decided where I will be preaching next. So here it is; God is confirming his vision with provision of what needs to be and how he is going to lead me on the path in which he has chosen for me. You know what is else strange, when I started this blog, I really thought people would read what is truly happening in a person life. And maybe one day they will and maybe one day they will not, but I find it very comforting being able to write what is on my mind, and be more unique in ways that it doesn't matter if others read what I am writing, for I feel God is doing most of the reading in the first place. Amen

But it feels real good being able to release these thoughts from your mind. Well I have to go for now, I have to do some reading for my PSYC 411 class, we have a quiz coming up and I want to make sure that I get a good grade. But I pray that God is with each one who is on this Regent Blog. God Bless
The Reverend

Happy Sunday


Happy Sunday I can say, for surely God has been directing me into a vision of outreach and support. I surely decree what God is doing in my life, and I know that I have been mandated to help many others see how much life can change when you walk in the path of the living God. When you make the decision to become a personal friend, a family in Christ and man of his wisdom, how you can see not only what is in front of you, but what he is doing in your life before it even take place. I can also relate to those individuals who find it hard to truly open up and seek the will of God, because of the fear of failure and past actions, but one day you must move forward, and the only way you can do that is ask the Lord for total forgiveness.

Ask him to come forth into your life, and deliver you from those old ways, and ways of foolishness, dark emotions, unrealistic actions, and worldly desire. Ask him to show you the way he has chosen for you, and ask him to be a friend, a father as well as a teacher. For I tell you, my life has not been the same since I made that decision to come forth and become a man of God, but it has been greater when I made the move to love the Lord with all my heart and my soul, for now I know what it is to have true love. Amen

Happy Sunday, even though I feel everyday should be happy, I know that is impossible, but what I try to do is walk in the steps of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know I shall never be perfect, but to walk within his steps, and to try is one thing God ask of us, for he knows that our sinful nature sometimes comes back, that is why we should always pray, read the word, and have quiet time with the Lord. Now you may ask, Reverend do you really do all this? Do you really have this type of relationship with God?

Yes; it took me a while to develop this type of relationship. Some people can do it fast, and some people can't do it at all, but it took me a while to be able to hear the voice of the Lord deep within my heart, not because I didn't love him, but because I was afraid of what he would change in my life, because I wasn't ready for true change. But when I finally accepted the truth, and accepted him totally into my life, not only did he change my life, but he build me a life that I can truly understand and live according to his will and his love.

This is one reason why I made the decision to keep this blog, because I want the world to know how to develop and keep a personal, reliable, stronghold and loveable relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For if he can do it for me, I tell you he will do more for you. In his name I pray.Amen
The Reverend

Knowing the truth!


Hello friends and Family;
I am truly sorry for my lateness in writing within my blog, but a lot has been happening these past few days. You know what you ask the Lord to show you the direction he see fit for you to go, there are times when you really don't want him to show you the truth, instead you want him to show you what you think it is true. And that is how I felt the other day. After being invited to preach at the South Side Mission for Women in Peoria, IL. I was truly open to all the outcome of seeing God go to work, watching the spirit of his love touch those hearts that sit in front of me, as I shared the power and wisdom of knowing the Lord.

But while I was preaching to them, the Father was preaching to me, for he begin too work out the discomfort I was feeling about leaving the Church I was a part of. The very thing I was preaching about, the spirit of the Lord was teaching me about, and leading me on a path that I have been afraid to do for a very long time, and that is start my own ministry.
Most people don't realize how fearful of being a failure takes control over you, how the thought of not making it can cause you to run from the truth instead of dealing with the truth. And that is what I have been feeling. God has brought me out of many things, and each situation I have learn to trust him fully. But then as a human being, we tend to allow those moments from the past, become a nightmare for the future, because those thoughts of what I did to survive back then made me feel as if I was not worthy of building a ministry that will please the Lord. It's not that I don't have the knowledge, or the compassion, or even the wisdom to do the will of building God ministry, it is the very fact of starting it all alone, trying to reach people, trying to build a congregation from the bottom up, trying to show the world that God is real, and being a part of the vision he has given me will be a blessing to you and those who join.
I tell you I am not afraid of sharing those words, nor showing them, but I just don't know where to begin. I have been so use of just working with others, helping others build their church, and making sure that the congregation had a pastor to help them in their journey, I tend to almost forgot what God had planned for me alone. But I tell you, when you ask him to inform you on his wishes he will not waste anytime. Here I am feeling uneasy with the Church I was helping, being involved in many things to show the community that this ministry should be a major focus in changing the lives of those who live within the area, helping children who are going through difficult times, and keeping it safe and productive.

My problem is not the community, my problem was the church, the congregation there became to relax, they was happy for the way things was, they didn't want to change. The outside world was what they wanted to be a part of, and they consider me to be what is called a new age preacher, one that wants to redeem the soul of the lost, as well as one who wants to go out into the world and reach out to them. But I was only doing what my father,told me to do, for he told me to go out into the byways and highways to reach the lost, the sick and even help those who proclaimed to be found, and that is what my mind and soul was doing. But somehow I keep bumping heads with the Senior Pastor and his board members, they seem to feel that my vision was not apart of the work they was doing. But my heart couldn't just watch the children, those families who live right across the street having to go about a mile or a half to go to another church to seek help if they are hungry or needing close or just help to pay some bills.

It hurt me to see those individuals looking for some form of support when they was trying to find the answer to get of off drugs, and needing a place to have meeting and learn about the spiritual side of being sober and clean, having a new life. So I was not just fighting my vision which God gave me, I was fighting man trying to get him to see what the path God was choosing for the Church to go. Well, I guess they felt I was to much, and after preaching at the South Side Mission for Women, I was called into a meeting and was told that they was going to let me go because I preached there without their permission.
Did it hurt, yes! But at the same time, I had prayed the night before because I was feeling off balance, I was beginning to feel useless at that Church, and ask God to show me if he truly desire me to be there, and if he do help me gain some form of help to get the congregation to see what they true purpose is. Now truly I wasn't expecting God to show me that I wasn't suppose to be there, and yet he allow this small situation to take form.

Now strange as it may seem, today I begin to receive calls from those women at the Mission asking me where will I be preaching at next, and could they attend the services. My tongue was in a knock, I didn't know what to say, but I did inform them that as soon as God lets me know I will inform them. So now here I am with a vision, a vision that is so strong inside of me, it is like fire, and it burning within my soul. The spirit is break all the old rules down, the wall of life and change is truly different, but yet I am a fish out of water. So the question is Father, what do I do next? What is your plans for a preacher like me? How should I build your ministry and help those who are seeking your love, mercy and wisdom?
For there is one thing I know for sure, I can't do this by myself without the help of the Lord. So at this point, I really don't know if anyone is reading this blog, but if you are I pray that God will allow you to have some good advice and the willing desire to help create and build a ministry that will do more then just preach about saving lives, but actually saving them from the lost sin's of this world.
I hope and pray whatever and where ever God is leading me, it will be the mark which he will say he is will please with me.
The Reverend

Today was a very good day!


Greeting my friends;
Today was a very good day, I felt the spirit of the Lord upon me, as I watch those who was once lost become saved in his name. It is a joyful feeling to see individuals realize that God is the answer to all their worries and desires, and when they decide to walk in faith, how many things in their lives will change. I watched a young lady who I have been praying for these past few months, give her life to Christ, and it brought tears to my eyes, for I remember the very first time when I said Yes to the Lord. Saying Yes; to Christ was remarkable to me, so I know in many ways it is remarkable to those who finally know and feel the excitement of having God fully in your life.

But just like a baby, when they first learn to crawl, they must practice, receive help in their journey to learn how to walk. And as new children in Christ, we start off crawling, feeling our way around, wondering what is this or that, trying to figure out those great feeling, and hoping that you will maintain a relationship with God. This is why he gave us Shepherd, teachers, pastors, reverends and elders in his name, so that we can be lead the right way, be taught the right things, and be encourage to stand strong in our walk with Christ. If you don't receive the right nourishment, your spiritual life can die. And that is something I do not want to happen to know no. It is like losing your very best friend, in fact it is losing your best friend.

God moves on our behalf when we focus on him instead of our fears. When resistance attempts to stand in your way as you seek, understand, obey and love the Lord, remember to not question his goodness. Instead, let opposition provoke you to praise and declare the goodness of God. Just the other day I read the Book of Nehemiah, and as the scriptures begin to work on my mind, within my spiritual gifts I come to see that God wants to repair every broken thing in our life and restore everything that has been lost. It is the enemies job to stop us from feeling out the glory of God, and that is why he attacks young mind Christian then those who have been saved for a long time. Now don't get me wrong, the devil truly attacks those who proclaim to be saved for a long time also. I tell people don't worry so much when the devil is attacking every blessing and goal God is placing before you, but begin to worry when he don't care what you do. Because he is not worried about you then, you have no power to touch him, that is when you must get into your word, prayer and fellowship with others. For you want to be a menace to the devils world, you want to stop his angels from reaching others, you want him to fear your name, for he knows you are truly a part of the kingdom of the Lord. Amen

Now I don't mean to be preaching, but I told you that today was a very good day, a day God loves touch the hearts of many, and many have come home to seek the very love that save me as well as you. Well I pray that everyone week end was great, and you expressed the desire of knowing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit on a personal note, and I pray that each person that reads this blog gain some insight on the value of knowing the Father above.
The Reverend

Today was a good day!


Hello Friends;
  Well today is a another day of learning. I was just going through some old photos, and you do that you begin to see the changes that has happen in your life, especially those changes when you first gave your life to the Lord. Man for a minute I couldn't believe it was me, especially with the bright red hat turn to the left, and the all black outfit on, I even was dressed one day with all red on, looking like a stop sign. (LoL), But those are the things a person use to do before God saved me.
  Looking at those pictures also help me see how I desire to be something that I wasn't, trying to make people like me and if not that making sure that they were scared of me. You either had some form of loyalty or you was against me, and either way I can admit I didn't care about you,for it was all about me and my love ones. That may sound wrong to some of you, but when you grow in a area where loyalty was the only thing that matters, you begin to see how much of a ego a person can have. When you don't have any other dreams but to get out of the neighberhood, and be someone others will envy you do all you can, even if its something bad. And that is how I felt back then, but now I use those days of confusion as strong testimony to help other young men know that they don't have to follow their peers, or feel as if they have to be like or judged. But if they just be themselves people will honor who you are, and not what you could do for them or to them.
  You now when I see old friends, we talk about what the future has for us, we don't dwell on what things was like, because we just don't feel it made any sense to why we did certain things back then, and even though they sometimes ask me why have I made the decision to become a minister, they understand the value of love that I have inside of me now, that I didn't have then. I made the choice to become a man of God, because I heard his calling. I heard him tell me it is time I open my eyes to the truth and not what I think the truth is, and it wasn't easy at all. Studying his words was very difficult for me, I know what the bible was expressing, but I couldn't figure out what it meant for me in the status of being a new child of God. When I prayed, I really didn't know what to pray about, for the only prayer I knew was a prayer written by my mob members. I couldn't really praise the Lord like other people because I felt strange when people looked at me.
    But once the Holy Spirit came forth, and taught me the knowledge of knowing God on a personal level, nothing else really  matter to me. Not only did I understand the bible, but I begin to teach it, not only did I praise his name I begin to preach it, and surely did I know how to pray for I begin to sing songs about it. It was if God reach deep within my very soul and took the old person out, and replace it with a whole new person with a new vision, a new voice and a new look. Even when old individuals who remember me from the past ask me what made me change, they ask because they are wondering if that same spiritual growth could help them. And out of love I sit and talk with them, I even know invite them to come and  hear me give a sermon. Some of them show up, and then there are those who just don't feel they are ready to hear a once street gang member become save speak on the value of knowing the Lord on a personal note. It doesn't make me made or discourage, for it took me a while to understand why God chose me. And to this day I am glad that he did.
   Well other then that, my day when very good. I am now working on my research paper about what spiritual growth can do when you apply it to a person life while they are fighting a addiction from drugs. And I hope that I allow many people who read it to see that it takes more then just saying you are saved, but actually living it to value of knowing God personally.
God Bless T
The Reverend

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Guess Who?


January 28, 2009
Well today was a very interesting day after all, it seems it is hard to study while you are taking care of a baby, so I want to say to all the mothers who are attending school, going to work, and even who are just stay home mothers. Thank God for strong women like you. Because as a man, I thought I would be stronger then I first was when I had my very first child, you know the ego thing. I can do this, what is so hard about it. Well, I can truly say, it is hard, but at the same time it is interesting to as well, because you learn how to do two things at one time, you learn how to watch your baby, and work on keeping your study habits strong. You become more aware of your cognitive moments then ever before.

So women of today, you have my hat tip to you, never let no one tell you what you can or not achieve, for if you are able to raise a family, go to school, and go to work, pay the bills, and still have time to say Praise the Lord, you are one women I would marry in a minute if I wasn't married to a strong women already. So since I can not show all of you how much I appreciate the things that you are able to do, I decided to just show my wife, with a nice dinner, and dozen of rose's, with a stuff bear, that said Daddy love you too.

Now I can't say what took place later on that night, that is not for your ears, but I assure you love is one thing I enjoy sharing with my wife, so love marking is a more exciting thing we have between us. So men, stop always talking about how hard it is for you, and what you need to do and how you feel you should be treated, if you can vision what your women is doing on a daily bases, and think of the hard times she have just being your women, you will find it more objective to just say I love you on a regular base, anywhere, anytime and around everyone. For she truly deserve it. And I tell you if you show love, her love will be given unto you more deeply then you could have ever imagine. So that was how my day was like.

Other then that, I come to realize how God place my wife into my life. You know I use to wonder why she married me, or why would she put up with a man like me in the first place, especially how I use to be before I allow God into my life. But I tell you even when God wasn't
first in my life, my wife made sure I was first in hers, and that made it more unique then any other relationships I have ever been in. I can tell you what verse in the Bible that inform you how to treat your wife, and how you should love her, take care of her and be the man she should respect and honor. And truthfully that should be common sense to all men of this world, but sadly it's not.

It takes us time to wake up and realize what we have in our lives, and some of us, wake up fast and get things in order, then there are those who lose out, but somehow manage to work their way back into her life. But there are those who sit back, and wish they had done right, and how they miss the very women that gave them true love.

But if you finally realize what type of man you should be and have faith in God, he will trust you again, and give you a women who would love you unconditionally. That is what happen to me, I lost my first love, because I wanted to be the man, but didn't know what it was to be a real man. But when I begin to learn, and understand the meaning of love, without expecting anything in return, God blessed me with a wife that is unbelievable. I tell you there are times, when I have to ask God what part of Christ did he make her from, for she hold close the spirit of the Lord, no matter what I say or do. God is first in her life which grants her the ability to love me as God has inform her to do, and when you can receive that type of love, you have no chose as a man of God, but to return that same love back to her.

You may ask do we argue at times? Yes we do. But we never go to bed mad at each other, and I can admit there has been times when we both have set up all night not talking to each other, but knowing that we can not go to bed with this anger. Funny when you think of it, because by the time we realize it is early in the morning, we have forgotten what we was arguing about, because we are so tired from being up all night not talking. We look at that as way for God to punish us for being evil. Believe it when God has ways to make you realize how foolish some of the things human do.

Well; I just want to let you know that my days are going well, I am really enjoying sharing these thoughts with those who do read them, and I hope to start receiving comments back, it would be a pleasure to answer a few questions. So until the next time, may the Lord continue to uplift you in the bond of true love and everlasting faith.

The Reverend

Being Thankful!


Being thankful is very hard for most people, but it can be easy learned when you are overcoming obstacles that others can not seem to overcome. I am very thankful for each day that I am awaken by the sun, I am very thankful for each sound that I hear, I am very thankful for the soft hugs from my wife, but what I am most thankful for, is the very fact that God chose me to be the man that I am today.

Like I expressed in my last post, I wasn't born with a silver or gold spoon in my mouth, but the opportunities that God has given me has more wisdom then I could ever imagine. Just the other day, I was sitting back relaxing, reading some of the blogs here, and I recieved a phone call from my mom. Usually when my mom call, we hold Bible Study, and prayer over the phone, but this wasn't one of those calls, but a call I will never forget. For the call was to explain to me that my niece has decided that she can not take care of her two children. To hear how a person can just give up hurts me deeply, for even when those times I thought no one in this world care enough about me, I had enough strength to care for me myself, and that part of me help me strive to seek God in the end. But like I said the phone call was a very disrupt one, and after speaking about it and expressing my concern, I didn't really didn't know what my next move would be.

So I went into prayer, and as I was in prayer, my wife came home, and this is funny, but God has a cell phone too, because my wife recieved the message that something wasn't right while she was driving home from class. And before I open my mouth, she just looked at me, and said Yes. Now the funny thing about this, I didn't explain what was taken place or the situation at hand. Her smile, was a confirmation form the Lord for she just stated, that where ever God is leading you to do, I am willing to follow. So as I explained the situation, we both agreed to take upon the responsibities of raising a new born girl.

Now mind you all my children are grown, they are at the age of 20 to 24, and I haven't raise a child in along time, but we both felt that with the power, love and faith within the Lord, all things is possible. So we drove a 5 hour drive to Riverdale Illinois. Now mind you; also the only thing I was told was that my niece felt the need to allow her children to live with someone else because she couldn't take care of them, and she was at her last rope as she proclaimed. But when I got there, the story became more unreasonable, and I tell you it hurt's to see these young women give up and find themselves in a relationship that is full of pain and confusion, but it is more hurtful to find out that they are in a substance abuse relationship. She just couldn't take care of the babies, because her and the boyfriend are addicted to drugs, living from place to place, feeding the babies what ever she could.

Now listen, as a child how could you see love in this? How can you feel safe, stable through the days of mishap and misunderstanding? You can't, but as a child you don't have chose in the matter right?

So now, my mother who is now 78 years old is now a parent all over again raising the 1 year old baby girl, and me & my wife are now parents raising the 6 month old baby girl. But God always have a plan, before I left with my new responisiblity, I prayed to the father, that this chance I have granted my niece, she would recieve help for her addiction and become a better person so she can be a better mother to her children. I am praying that she just don't allow her life to become unreachable, and allow the Lord become her answer to it all. I tell you, my friend when you truly give it to the Lord, he shall deliver.

I am afraid of being a parent again, so fast without warning? No, for I see it as a blessing from the Lord, to raise another child, and to give this child the chance to know God on a personal level, and to know the value of family love. I do not hate, nor am I mad at my niece, I am concern, but she must now decide to get her life in order, she must make the decision to use this opportunity to work on her addiction, and overcome it. And as she move forward in life, I can only continue to pray for her, and try to reach out to her. But my main objective now is to be the parent of a new blessing, God has bestowed upon me.

So now will I be able to share with you the remarkable things God is and will do in my life, I will be able to share with you the growth of a new spirit in the Lord.
God bless You all.........
The Rev.

L.I.F.E. (Leadership, Intelligence, Faith, Experiences)


While sitting here, I was thinking about the conditions and the changes that was made within my life. I can't believe that the stages I have travel has created a new being, a new ideal, a new life. For what is a new life, what can a person truly say is important to them once they have overcome the trials and tribulations to get to the mark?

I ask myself that question on a daily base's thinking that sometimes as we move forward we tend to forget or leave those who we love behind, knowing it is not on purpose that this stage happens, but in order to achieve goals in life, God bring forth people into your life that will have a deep effect upon you, just as he remove those from your life that cause unwanted effects.I come to realize that the times I thought I was the one making all the choice's, it was God will that carried me through those stages of pain, confusion, happiness, lonliness, friendship & enemies. I tell you; there was time when tears would be running down my face, for I felt the need to give up, to turn around, to run from all that is in front of me, for I use to the things I left behind.

These are the same steps that Moses had to overcome while bringing God's people from under the strength of Egypt. They was so used of being hurt, uncomfortable, sad, and full of misery, until when they finally had the opportunity to be free, they were scared of the outcome. They made unreasonable decision as they travel the journey for 40 years, but I noticed that as they was traveling this journey, how many people came and left, but those whom God wanted to leave a impact upon them, he made sure that they learn from thier mistakes, and was able to share this journey with those coming after them.

You may ask who? Well, their children, their new friends, those whom they have meet along the away, and those whom they will see as they cross over into the promise land.This is how I feel about my journey in life, its not out of anger, or disappointment that we will met people, and then end up losing some, but it is a process of learning the basic things God want us to have in life. The basic need of Family, Love, Friendship, Worship, Praise, Faith, and Forgiveness.

My Life! Can I really acknowledge those words? Is this really my life? Do I have control over how I want to live and who I desire in my life? Yes; I do. But I tell you; I prefer to let God make those decisions at times, because like all human beings I make to many mistakes. And even though God forgives us for them mistakes, it is hard for us to forgive ourselves.So I come to understand that my journey is a mixure of many things, and those basic things that comes with having God in your life has become a purpose in mines. My life is his life, just as his life has become mines. For we are one in the same.

For where there is a need, there is Jesus Christ. Where there is Love, there is Jesus Christ. Where there is a life there is Jesus Christ.

Do you have a need in your life? Are you seeking the meaning of Love?

God Bless,

Reverend T. R. Smith

About Christian Education


All education is good for the mind, but I feel a Christian education can overcome all things that life has to offer. There is no doubt I feel that the school system still should allow the Lords prayer, to allow children as well as adults study the will of God. When you apply God in your life, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, your education becomes a major source of knowing and seeing the vision God has planned for your life.

Just like school is important, studying the word of God, is very important, and I feel without any doubt, when you place education with spiritual growth, you have one of the highest degree life has to offer, and that is having a personal relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You have a education full of fruit, wisdom, and compassion based upon the teaching of Christ, and the will of God.

So to me; it is very important for everyone seek the will of God, and learn how teaching of Christ, can and will change your life, improve your life and grant your life a true purpose.

Why did I choose Psychology Degree


Now it is truly amazing how the Psychology Degree caught my attention. To actually learn about a person behavior, thinking pattern and idealistic ways, was far beyond anything I could have imagine, but once I gave my life to Christ, I begin to see myself in a different light, I begin to see my life with a mission in the body of Christ.

I didn't pick this career or degree, but the Lord did, for he allowed me to be more involved in reaching out to those who are fighting addiction, who are depressed, confused and battling life as if it has no meaning to them. The compassion in my heart continue to grow each time I step up and help those who come forth seeking the truth about who they are and why God has chosen them to achieve certain things in life.
I was as if the Holy Spirit, tapped me on my shoulders and said, it is time for you to become a counselor, and I want you to reach out to those who others find it hard to reach. That is why my main motto is: "No one is Unreachable ". God has a purpose, a plan for everyone life, but it up to that person accept God's will and not yours. If you want to make God laugh, tell him what your life plans are.

Most people pick their careers or pick their degree, but God chose mines, and that is why I strive so hard to maintain a positive mind and a high grade, for I know it is a need and purpose for what I am striving for. If you really want to know what to know what course to take, just give it to the Lord, and listen to what he has to say, a lot of people will be amazed how things turn out, and realize that it is was by the will of God that they chose to take and achieve a certain degree in college.

Regent University


In my decision of going back to school, I have search many opportunities, many schools, and many idea's that the school offers as a educational development for my growing experiences. It was truly exciting to have been able to receive many letters, asking me to come forth and be a member of their graduating class, to have the knowledge of being who the creation God want's me to be, and to have the courage to help others. It all sound nice, but after praying and asking the Lord to lead me on the path of which education process I should follower, he sent me Regent University. When I first begin to look over Regent, what challenges I was facing, as well as the purpose of what I was trying to achieve within this society and within my life. You know when you look for a school, I believe you should look for the connection it will have in your life, how it will effect your way of thinking, feeling and emotions as a student and as a adult.

I believe the school that you chose should be a reflection of who you are and what you are trying to achieve.

And that is why I chose Regent, not because it was big, or it has a lot of students, or because many people called me in order to begin class, but because God lead me to the school. He lead me here for the purpose, and vision he bestowed upon me as man, father, husband and minister of his words. He allowed me to feel comfortable, and unique in a way, that I was not as one of the same individuals who was just taking a course to get by.

There is no doubt, I will inform many people to attend Regent University, for I truly believe the experiences will not just be based on education, but a spiritual growth that no other school offers.