Why Christian Education?

All education is good for the mind, but I feel a Christian education can overcome all things that life has to offer. There is no doubt I feel that the school system still should allow the Lords prayer, to allow children as well as adults study the will of God. When you apply God in your life, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, your education becomes a major source of knowing and seeing the vision God has planned for your life.

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Why Psychology Degree?

Now it is truly amazing how the Psychology Degree caught my attention. To actually learn about a person behavior, thinking pattern and idealistic ways, was far beyond anything I could have imagine, but once I gave my life to Christ, I begin to see myself in a different light, I begin to see my life with a mission in the body of Christ.

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Why Regent University?

In my decision of going back to school, I have search many opportunities, many schools, and many idea's that the school offers as a educational development for my growing experiences. It was truly exciting to have been able to receive many letters, asking me to come forth and be a member of their graduating class, and to have the courage to help others. It all sound nice, but after praying and asking the Lord to lead me on the path of which education process I should follower, he sent me Regent University.

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Psychology Degree

Moving forward

Just thinking about what and how I am building this ministry has me really feeling as if I may feel. I know that all things are possible through the love and will of God, but yet this is my first time ever doing something without really knowing the outcome. It not like working for someone else, because you already know that when you get hired what your duties are, what you are getting paid and what plans you may have for this company. Now when you are building a ministry there is so many different outcome that may happen. One of those biggest fear is not being able to reach those who are calling upon the Lord, as well as getting a place to hold services.

You know I have asked God why did he chose me for this vision, and even though he has not given me the words to what he has plan, it seems that each step that I am taking is leading me to do things as they come along, and he will provide people who know how to do the rest. And I pray that those who he send in my life are serious and is willing to work together, as well as fellowship together so we can be more effective in doing God's will. I know that it is a long road to travel, but I am willing to do it. So lately that is what been on my mind, figuring out where to start and how to begin. Well really I already have a name for the ministry, I have started writing the consitution and bylaws, and I am waiting on God to decide who he would like to place upon the ministry board so we can have more ideals and strength in doing his will. I am already working on the Federal EIN, but that is as far as I have gotten, and it seems that I am lost after this, so I have been praying asking the Lord to open up a new way, a different avenue so I can recieve help in building his ministry. At times I wish I was able to reach people through this blog, but I feel at this point, God is not thinking about a blog. (Smile)

But I still write within this blog, for it release a lot of pressure from my mind, and give me a chance to just speak on subjects that is very important to me. Just like Tuesday, I am now a father, we been granted the parentship of my niece baby, it feels good raising a child, and I pray that I be a better father, then what I use to be in the past, I know that God has my back and i am willing to do what is needed in order to raise this child right. So not only am I worried about the ministry, my mind is focus on my child. So Lord you have it all in your hands.