Why Christian Education?

All education is good for the mind, but I feel a Christian education can overcome all things that life has to offer. There is no doubt I feel that the school system still should allow the Lords prayer, to allow children as well as adults study the will of God. When you apply God in your life, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, your education becomes a major source of knowing and seeing the vision God has planned for your life.

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Why Psychology Degree?

Now it is truly amazing how the Psychology Degree caught my attention. To actually learn about a person behavior, thinking pattern and idealistic ways, was far beyond anything I could have imagine, but once I gave my life to Christ, I begin to see myself in a different light, I begin to see my life with a mission in the body of Christ.

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Why Regent University?

In my decision of going back to school, I have search many opportunities, many schools, and many idea's that the school offers as a educational development for my growing experiences. It was truly exciting to have been able to receive many letters, asking me to come forth and be a member of their graduating class, and to have the courage to help others. It all sound nice, but after praying and asking the Lord to lead me on the path of which education process I should follower, he sent me Regent University.

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Psychology Degree

Keeping my mind right!

2 Corinthians 5:21“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”


I find the last two days very hard for me, I guess you can some words can cause a person to feel uneasy and negative about themselves, but I assure you that God always keep your mind right even after going through that brief doubt.

You see; even though I have been called a Reverend, Minister and even Apostle of God, there are still individuals out here who just can’t see or understand my love for The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and they find it more funny to put a person down then to help uplift that person. For example, I was told that my preaching attitudes and words that I share to those who are seeking God is great, they enjoy the word for that day, but how can I consider myself a Reverend  or Pastor when I don’t have my own building to call my Church. Now usually that don’t bother me at all, but it was as if they was reading my prayers the other day, if or I had just asked God to bless me with a Church of my own, that I can begin to reach out to those who are lost, and care for those who are saved, blessed and loved by him. And for a minute I was feeling that I could do more then just traveling from church to church to preach the word of God.

Now even though that statement that was made cause me to feel uneasy, I went to the Lord in prayer,and I express the feeling of discomfort, because that is how me and my father communicate, I don’t hide nothing from him, I open myself up to him, and he do the same for me. And when shared that discomfort, he in turn informed me that what I was doing at this moment is what he is proud of. How did he conform it, by allowing me to share the word of God to a young man who was a  old friend from my old way of life, and as we sit within my home speaking on the Lord, God allowed me to see the glory of sharing his words by allowing me see the brother truly pray with me today, and to top it off, he gave him life to Christ, and now asked me to help him study the bible.

Now I am starting a Home Bible Study at my house with a few people who would like to learn more about having a personal relationship with the Lord. You; you don’t have to  have a Church to be a servant of the Lord, God  loves you when you are just sharing his words to many, and he blesses you when those many become children of his kingdom. I am blessed just to be able to share his words, and I blessed to been able to graduate from a seminary college and obtain my Ordination of being Apostle of God.

So I say to those who may feel the way I do, or may have felt  the way I do. Continue to grow, continue to share God’s word and to continue to help others, and you will surely see the glory in doing the will of God, as he bless you for being his child, his servant, his messenger of love, hope and faith.

God bless

Apostle Tony R. Smith