Why Christian Education?

All education is good for the mind, but I feel a Christian education can overcome all things that life has to offer. There is no doubt I feel that the school system still should allow the Lords prayer, to allow children as well as adults study the will of God. When you apply God in your life, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, your education becomes a major source of knowing and seeing the vision God has planned for your life.

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Why Psychology Degree?

Now it is truly amazing how the Psychology Degree caught my attention. To actually learn about a person behavior, thinking pattern and idealistic ways, was far beyond anything I could have imagine, but once I gave my life to Christ, I begin to see myself in a different light, I begin to see my life with a mission in the body of Christ.

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Why Regent University?

In my decision of going back to school, I have search many opportunities, many schools, and many idea's that the school offers as a educational development for my growing experiences. It was truly exciting to have been able to receive many letters, asking me to come forth and be a member of their graduating class, and to have the courage to help others. It all sound nice, but after praying and asking the Lord to lead me on the path of which education process I should follower, he sent me Regent University.

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Psychology Degree

Just thinking.


I know that I haven't written in a few days, but I have been praying and thinking about certain position and situation in my life. You know many things have changed in my life at this time, you know I realize taking care of a 7 month old baby isn't as easy as it may seem, especially when you are going to school, and you have to work. But no matter what I have been placing the Lord before everything that I do, and I know that he will provide what is needed to keep moving forward.

I have also been working on the proposal to be able to build and establish a ministry God has placed in my heart, a vision that has so many provision I find myself seeking a new way of getting things in order. It is very hard, but I have been though rougher things then this in my life. I have been up, as well as down, I have seen many unreasonable actions in my life, as well as discomfort that has placed me in a state of bewilderment at times, but through it all, God has always keep me focus and has always inform me that through his wisdom and love all things shall come to past.

I am not afraid of who I am now, and I know that there is a purpose that I have to achieve in this life of mines. I know that when it comes to class and studying my school work, I could be doing better then what I am, even though I am looking at a B out of both of my class's, I feel with a little more hard work I could have achieved a A grade. But like I said so many changes has happen in my life these past week months, I didn't consider that once you change one part of your life, other parts shall be effect as a outcome and you most be prepared to deal with those changes, and that is what I have come to see. I ask the Lord to grant me more strength and more knowledge in doing all that is need to continue to be the minister and friend he has chosen me to be in this life of mines. Well; since I am now back on track, and I feel a flow of understanding come forth within my mind, I will be writing within this blog once again, not just with knowledge of who I am, but with answer and scriptures from what the Holy Spirit is now leading me to place within this blog. So I pray that blog not only help others, but grant me more insight on the ability of being a good minister and friend to those God will place within my life.
God Bless

Moving forward


Just thinking about what and how I am building this ministry has me really feeling as if I may feel. I know that all things are possible through the love and will of God, but yet this is my first time ever doing something without really knowing the outcome. It not like working for someone else, because you already know that when you get hired what your duties are, what you are getting paid and what plans you may have for this company. Now when you are building a ministry there is so many different outcome that may happen. One of those biggest fear is not being able to reach those who are calling upon the Lord, as well as getting a place to hold services.

You know I have asked God why did he chose me for this vision, and even though he has not given me the words to what he has plan, it seems that each step that I am taking is leading me to do things as they come along, and he will provide people who know how to do the rest. And I pray that those who he send in my life are serious and is willing to work together, as well as fellowship together so we can be more effective in doing God's will. I know that it is a long road to travel, but I am willing to do it. So lately that is what been on my mind, figuring out where to start and how to begin. Well really I already have a name for the ministry, I have started writing the consitution and bylaws, and I am waiting on God to decide who he would like to place upon the ministry board so we can have more ideals and strength in doing his will. I am already working on the Federal EIN, but that is as far as I have gotten, and it seems that I am lost after this, so I have been praying asking the Lord to open up a new way, a different avenue so I can recieve help in building his ministry. At times I wish I was able to reach people through this blog, but I feel at this point, God is not thinking about a blog. (Smile)

But I still write within this blog, for it release a lot of pressure from my mind, and give me a chance to just speak on subjects that is very important to me. Just like Tuesday, I am now a father, we been granted the parentship of my niece baby, it feels good raising a child, and I pray that I be a better father, then what I use to be in the past, I know that God has my back and i am willing to do what is needed in order to raise this child right. So not only am I worried about the ministry, my mind is focus on my child. So Lord you have it all in your hands.


Truly I have been working on a new ideal, while you can say I have been blessed to be able to do the will of God, with this vision he has bestowed upon me. Most people don't realize that thoughts and ideals that they have are not given to them by man, but blessed upon them by the love of God. And if it is truly a will of God, that thought, ideal or even vision shall come true.

I believe I once explained how fair keep me down, because of the things people have told me and what I have experiences in life, but I refuse to allow that fear to place me on the outside looking in, while others are doing good works on the inside trying to help people come in, then there are those who don't want others inside the world of thoughts, ideals and vision. For they are deep concept of what it takes to succeed in this world. God is the answer to your success, and when if you don't realize it, you should at least understand that a higher power is leading you, because no man or women can do all that it is need alone. The world is to big, and the devil is to strong for us to do these amazing things in life by ourselves.

Now I really don't know what stage God has me on right now, for I am working on the fact of starting my own ministry, but like I said it takes a lot, I have to become 501 (c)3 for non-for-profit organization and tax exempt, I have to write a proposal in order to receive some type of funding so that I can help people without charging them, as well as begin to have a office or a building to host Sunday services, and Friday night services. The strangest thing is, I have a few people who are willing to walk this path with me, but like me we just don't know where to begin or how to get started. I have searched the Internet, and I tell you it cost a lot of money to received help in a certain way, and yet I don't have that type of money. So I am praying that God would open the doors for his will to come forth and begin to help those whom he has placed before me.

Remember when I wrote and shared with you the day I preached at the South Side Mission for Women, and I tell you I have been receiving phone calls, asking me when will I be back or if I have decided where I will be preaching next. So here it is; God is confirming his vision with provision of what needs to be and how he is going to lead me on the path in which he has chosen for me. You know what is else strange, when I started this blog, I really thought people would read what is truly happening in a person life. And maybe one day they will and maybe one day they will not, but I find it very comforting being able to write what is on my mind, and be more unique in ways that it doesn't matter if others read what I am writing, for I feel God is doing most of the reading in the first place. Amen

But it feels real good being able to release these thoughts from your mind. Well I have to go for now, I have to do some reading for my PSYC 411 class, we have a quiz coming up and I want to make sure that I get a good grade. But I pray that God is with each one who is on this Regent Blog. God Bless
The Reverend

Happy Sunday


Happy Sunday I can say, for surely God has been directing me into a vision of outreach and support. I surely decree what God is doing in my life, and I know that I have been mandated to help many others see how much life can change when you walk in the path of the living God. When you make the decision to become a personal friend, a family in Christ and man of his wisdom, how you can see not only what is in front of you, but what he is doing in your life before it even take place. I can also relate to those individuals who find it hard to truly open up and seek the will of God, because of the fear of failure and past actions, but one day you must move forward, and the only way you can do that is ask the Lord for total forgiveness.

Ask him to come forth into your life, and deliver you from those old ways, and ways of foolishness, dark emotions, unrealistic actions, and worldly desire. Ask him to show you the way he has chosen for you, and ask him to be a friend, a father as well as a teacher. For I tell you, my life has not been the same since I made that decision to come forth and become a man of God, but it has been greater when I made the move to love the Lord with all my heart and my soul, for now I know what it is to have true love. Amen

Happy Sunday, even though I feel everyday should be happy, I know that is impossible, but what I try to do is walk in the steps of our Savior Jesus Christ. I know I shall never be perfect, but to walk within his steps, and to try is one thing God ask of us, for he knows that our sinful nature sometimes comes back, that is why we should always pray, read the word, and have quiet time with the Lord. Now you may ask, Reverend do you really do all this? Do you really have this type of relationship with God?

Yes; it took me a while to develop this type of relationship. Some people can do it fast, and some people can't do it at all, but it took me a while to be able to hear the voice of the Lord deep within my heart, not because I didn't love him, but because I was afraid of what he would change in my life, because I wasn't ready for true change. But when I finally accepted the truth, and accepted him totally into my life, not only did he change my life, but he build me a life that I can truly understand and live according to his will and his love.

This is one reason why I made the decision to keep this blog, because I want the world to know how to develop and keep a personal, reliable, stronghold and loveable relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For if he can do it for me, I tell you he will do more for you. In his name I pray.Amen
The Reverend

Knowing the truth!


Hello friends and Family;
I am truly sorry for my lateness in writing within my blog, but a lot has been happening these past few days. You know what you ask the Lord to show you the direction he see fit for you to go, there are times when you really don't want him to show you the truth, instead you want him to show you what you think it is true. And that is how I felt the other day. After being invited to preach at the South Side Mission for Women in Peoria, IL. I was truly open to all the outcome of seeing God go to work, watching the spirit of his love touch those hearts that sit in front of me, as I shared the power and wisdom of knowing the Lord.

But while I was preaching to them, the Father was preaching to me, for he begin too work out the discomfort I was feeling about leaving the Church I was a part of. The very thing I was preaching about, the spirit of the Lord was teaching me about, and leading me on a path that I have been afraid to do for a very long time, and that is start my own ministry.
Most people don't realize how fearful of being a failure takes control over you, how the thought of not making it can cause you to run from the truth instead of dealing with the truth. And that is what I have been feeling. God has brought me out of many things, and each situation I have learn to trust him fully. But then as a human being, we tend to allow those moments from the past, become a nightmare for the future, because those thoughts of what I did to survive back then made me feel as if I was not worthy of building a ministry that will please the Lord. It's not that I don't have the knowledge, or the compassion, or even the wisdom to do the will of building God ministry, it is the very fact of starting it all alone, trying to reach people, trying to build a congregation from the bottom up, trying to show the world that God is real, and being a part of the vision he has given me will be a blessing to you and those who join.
I tell you I am not afraid of sharing those words, nor showing them, but I just don't know where to begin. I have been so use of just working with others, helping others build their church, and making sure that the congregation had a pastor to help them in their journey, I tend to almost forgot what God had planned for me alone. But I tell you, when you ask him to inform you on his wishes he will not waste anytime. Here I am feeling uneasy with the Church I was helping, being involved in many things to show the community that this ministry should be a major focus in changing the lives of those who live within the area, helping children who are going through difficult times, and keeping it safe and productive.

My problem is not the community, my problem was the church, the congregation there became to relax, they was happy for the way things was, they didn't want to change. The outside world was what they wanted to be a part of, and they consider me to be what is called a new age preacher, one that wants to redeem the soul of the lost, as well as one who wants to go out into the world and reach out to them. But I was only doing what my father,told me to do, for he told me to go out into the byways and highways to reach the lost, the sick and even help those who proclaimed to be found, and that is what my mind and soul was doing. But somehow I keep bumping heads with the Senior Pastor and his board members, they seem to feel that my vision was not apart of the work they was doing. But my heart couldn't just watch the children, those families who live right across the street having to go about a mile or a half to go to another church to seek help if they are hungry or needing close or just help to pay some bills.

It hurt me to see those individuals looking for some form of support when they was trying to find the answer to get of off drugs, and needing a place to have meeting and learn about the spiritual side of being sober and clean, having a new life. So I was not just fighting my vision which God gave me, I was fighting man trying to get him to see what the path God was choosing for the Church to go. Well, I guess they felt I was to much, and after preaching at the South Side Mission for Women, I was called into a meeting and was told that they was going to let me go because I preached there without their permission.
Did it hurt, yes! But at the same time, I had prayed the night before because I was feeling off balance, I was beginning to feel useless at that Church, and ask God to show me if he truly desire me to be there, and if he do help me gain some form of help to get the congregation to see what they true purpose is. Now truly I wasn't expecting God to show me that I wasn't suppose to be there, and yet he allow this small situation to take form.

Now strange as it may seem, today I begin to receive calls from those women at the Mission asking me where will I be preaching at next, and could they attend the services. My tongue was in a knock, I didn't know what to say, but I did inform them that as soon as God lets me know I will inform them. So now here I am with a vision, a vision that is so strong inside of me, it is like fire, and it burning within my soul. The spirit is break all the old rules down, the wall of life and change is truly different, but yet I am a fish out of water. So the question is Father, what do I do next? What is your plans for a preacher like me? How should I build your ministry and help those who are seeking your love, mercy and wisdom?
For there is one thing I know for sure, I can't do this by myself without the help of the Lord. So at this point, I really don't know if anyone is reading this blog, but if you are I pray that God will allow you to have some good advice and the willing desire to help create and build a ministry that will do more then just preach about saving lives, but actually saving them from the lost sin's of this world.
I hope and pray whatever and where ever God is leading me, it will be the mark which he will say he is will please with me.
The Reverend

Today was a very good day!


Greeting my friends;
Today was a very good day, I felt the spirit of the Lord upon me, as I watch those who was once lost become saved in his name. It is a joyful feeling to see individuals realize that God is the answer to all their worries and desires, and when they decide to walk in faith, how many things in their lives will change. I watched a young lady who I have been praying for these past few months, give her life to Christ, and it brought tears to my eyes, for I remember the very first time when I said Yes to the Lord. Saying Yes; to Christ was remarkable to me, so I know in many ways it is remarkable to those who finally know and feel the excitement of having God fully in your life.

But just like a baby, when they first learn to crawl, they must practice, receive help in their journey to learn how to walk. And as new children in Christ, we start off crawling, feeling our way around, wondering what is this or that, trying to figure out those great feeling, and hoping that you will maintain a relationship with God. This is why he gave us Shepherd, teachers, pastors, reverends and elders in his name, so that we can be lead the right way, be taught the right things, and be encourage to stand strong in our walk with Christ. If you don't receive the right nourishment, your spiritual life can die. And that is something I do not want to happen to know no. It is like losing your very best friend, in fact it is losing your best friend.

God moves on our behalf when we focus on him instead of our fears. When resistance attempts to stand in your way as you seek, understand, obey and love the Lord, remember to not question his goodness. Instead, let opposition provoke you to praise and declare the goodness of God. Just the other day I read the Book of Nehemiah, and as the scriptures begin to work on my mind, within my spiritual gifts I come to see that God wants to repair every broken thing in our life and restore everything that has been lost. It is the enemies job to stop us from feeling out the glory of God, and that is why he attacks young mind Christian then those who have been saved for a long time. Now don't get me wrong, the devil truly attacks those who proclaim to be saved for a long time also. I tell people don't worry so much when the devil is attacking every blessing and goal God is placing before you, but begin to worry when he don't care what you do. Because he is not worried about you then, you have no power to touch him, that is when you must get into your word, prayer and fellowship with others. For you want to be a menace to the devils world, you want to stop his angels from reaching others, you want him to fear your name, for he knows you are truly a part of the kingdom of the Lord. Amen

Now I don't mean to be preaching, but I told you that today was a very good day, a day God loves touch the hearts of many, and many have come home to seek the very love that save me as well as you. Well I pray that everyone week end was great, and you expressed the desire of knowing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit on a personal note, and I pray that each person that reads this blog gain some insight on the value of knowing the Father above.
The Reverend